Product development and quality control


General informations

From the beginning of the activity, the physicochemical laboratory had an important role. That's why every year we invest in research and development and quality control. This investment resulted in the approval of over 60 products with their own recipes and by supporting a steady increase in production capacity, respecting the requirements of quality standards in the field.

Currently, the laboratory's activit is a guarantee of quality services offered to our partners both in the field of reprocessing and repackaging. The experience of over 20 years of our chemists team and the state-of-the-art equipment from the laboratory are at the disposal of our collaborators for developing new products, improving technological processes or performing physico-chemical analyzes.

Physical and chemical laboratory

Product development

We come to our partners with a complex proposal of reasearch and development products.

The most important stages of such collaboration are:

  • - understanding customer requirements
  • - establishing details (type of formulation, active substance content, physico-chemical specifications, other specific requirements)
  • - developing the manufacturing recipe
  • - preparation of the technological package containing: the composition, the technological process and the detailed working method, the complete physico-chemical characterization of the product (including accelerated storage tests), the technical documentation of the raw materials used (technical data sheets with other data)

Also, in the physico-chemical laboratory we can also ensure verification of existing technological packages, involving our assets in updating and adapting them to the specifics of the industrial installations.

Quality control

In the physico-chemical laboratory, we ensure rigorous quality control, both for the manufacturing process and for the repackaging services we offer to our partners. In this way, we always ensure that the products and services offered meet the required quality standards. Besides such collaborations, our laboratory offers individual quality control services for plant protection products at the request of manufacturers, distributors and users.

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