Microfert® - Zinc

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Safety
  • Environment
  • Approving holder:

  • Distribution:

  • Certification number:

    no. 504/12.12.2011
  • Packaging:

    Packaging of 20 L
  • ® ALCHIMEX registered mark.

    Download technical datasheet

MICROFERT - Zinc is a clear, concentrated, aqueous solution of yellowish color which contains the following amounts of nutrients in g/liter of minimum:

Nitrogen total (N) from urea


* by composition, is an acid foliar fertilizer and has a density of 1.27 g/cc/20oC;

* has a low salinity index, being favorable to plants and when fertilization is done during drought;

* hard water can also be used in the preparation of spraying solutions;

* is compatible and can be applied with a large proportion of plant protection products

* has good storage stability over wide temperature ranges. It begins to freeze at about -15°C, freezes completely at about -20°C and defrosts completely at -4°C;

* is not toxic to humans, to terrestrial or aquatic animals, and is in accordance with the requirements of the best agro-environmental practice.

Phosphorus (P2O5) water-soluble


Potassium (K2O) water-soluble


Magnesium (Mg+2) complexed with citric acid


Sulfur (S) from SO4-2


Boron (B)


Copper (Cu+2) complexed with citric acid


Iron (Fe+2) complexed with citric acid


Manganese (Mn+2) complexed with citric acid


Zinc (Zn+2) complexed with citric acid


In addition to easily assimilable zinc, the product contains urea nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, copper, iron and manganese, all under the most assimilable forms by foliar and radicular absorption, having a fertilizing role and for preventing other deficiencies that can affect growth, plant development and crop production at the same time.

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