S.C ALCHIMEX S.A, located in Bucharest, Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, Nr. 63, et. 2, sector 1, finalized on 31.12.2015 the project "Extension of the capacity of plants for the production of liquid fungicides, insecticides and herbicides", co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, based on the Financing Contract no. 5IM/057/25.08.2015, concluded with the Ministry of European Funds.

The total value of the project is 3,814,747.53 lei, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance is 1,090,919.86 lei, of which the eligible non-reimbursable amount granted by the ERDF is 938,191.08 lei and the eligible non-reimbursable amount granted from the national budget is 152,728.78 lei.

The project was implemented at the production site located in Herăşti, Giurgiu County.

The objective of the project
is to increase production capacity in order to maintain the competitiveness of the company on the domestic market and to increase the competitiveness on the foreign market. 
The specific objective of the project is to put into operation two new production lines for plant protection products in the form of suspension concentrates for fungicides/insecticides and herbicides in order to increase production capacity. 

Further details can be obtained from:

Roxana Grosu – Director Tehnic

Dan Crînguș – Director Dezvoltare

Tel. 021 310.84.84

Fax: 021 310.84.78


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